finally,i'm back.
saturday, 26th dec:

immediately went to my cousin's house after that. we had our mini slumber party. we watched paranormal activity up to 6.3o a.m and we woke up at 3. my mum will kill me if she knows about this.

then we went out. oh,that's my cousin's shirt i'm wearing by the way cause i didnt bring any extra shirt.

on another topic, i read the newspaper and sezairi's is the hot news now. many people commented about sezairi's winning and many people doesnt like sezairi to win the 'singapore idol' title. many prefered sylvia. but hello! this is a voting contest. if you want sylvia to win, then vote 100000 times for her. i read the newspaper and i noticed that many people who commented on sezairi are mostly chinese. well, i guess that they're just jealous because for all 3 seasons, malay contestants became the singapore idol. jealous much huh? i'm not being racist here but hey, that's the truth. whatever, i still think that sezairi deserve to win the title. BECAUSE HE HAS THE TALENT.


one, two, three
i'm still at my cousin's house right now.

the light that shine at you.

i look at how norys play her facebook account and i think that it's quite cool. i know that this may sound soo uncool but i actually dont play anything else except for blogger. omggg, i sound so uncool. i'm at my cousin's house right now,sleeping over. so, i'll be back. *smile widely*


happy birthday to you.
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to nuurainy,
ilysm. hey babe, hope you had a lot of fun at vivo. i reaally hope you like the chocolates that we gave you. you should really appreciate it and dont eat it. hahha! cause we waited for like 30 mins to get that stupid chocolates,wrapped. naseb baik the wrapping service is free and the chocolate is for you. kalao tak, aku dah angkat kaki jalan ah. naik penat seh kite tunggu. anyway, 3 years friendship and still counting. we went through thick and thin together. i'm so lazy to write anymore and i just want you to know that, i love you with all my heart! *insert many many hearts*
p.s// i know its super sweet. hahaha!

anyway, its been a few days since i've updated the blog. been busy with netball training and getting all my school stuffs for next year. and so, went out with 'why you see jay zee pee' and campers to celebrate siti nuurainy's advance birthday. we didnt actually tell her that the campers are going to be there. as ani said, the outing is full of lies. but i'm sure that ani had a lot of fun eventough we lied to her a lot. well, you can just go and read ani's and esty's blog for more information. i'm here just to post the pictures. *smile*

*asyraf. i think we wore the same jeans. hahaha!*

*read our hands. H A W T <3*

*why you see jay zee pee*

*md iskandar aka the dancer*

*md syukri. i looked kinda cool with that kind of hair. haha!*

lastly, i love all of you!

with lots of love,


21st century breakdown.

*we look like models huh? haha!*

*i look like a ghost here.*

*esty diana danial hamzah*

* i love sharizal. he's like my small brother when we're at the camp.*

*omggg, aleeexxx!*

*bob looks like a gay here. haha! seriously.*

*esty diana syukri*
diana : eh isk, nnt amek gmbr dngn aku tao. kau kan dah pandai senyum sekarang.
isk : *smile* cikgu aku dah ajar aku mcm mane nak senyum.
and so, the bbq has arrived finally. overall, its not THAT bad. everyone from my group came except for muzzy & tabitha(shafiqa).
met esty and danial at bb before heading off to eunos. the super long journey felt very short when we killed the time by talking about the camp. danial was explaining everything to us about what happened at the camp. in more details i mean. ash looked more handsome with his black hair. the guys played street soccer while the girls played captain's ball. we played 3 rounds and now, my body is aching. see, i have not played netball for more than 1 month already. went home at about 10.45 and reached home at about 12. luckily alex texted me throughout the whole journey back home. oh yeah, conferenced with norys and afiq. afiq is damn nonsense. haha! i guess i have nothing elso to talk about.


a bumpy road ahead.
mum : wiwit tahu tak? dulu bile mama kat secondary school, mama bnyk peminat tao.
me : same ah dngn anak mama ni. *smile widely at her*
mum : *make a disguisting face*

guess what? i'm taking my o level next year. it felt that i've just entered secondary but no, three years has passed sooo quickly. i cant believe that i will be taking the most biggest examination in a year's time. mum has been pressurized me ever since i got back my eoy results. she keeps telling me that it will be shameful for an express student to enter ite. she keeps telling me to join fatin's tuition since fatin has improved a lot. i'm scared, reaally scared. what if i fail? what if i cannot enter poly? what if i couldnt make my parents feel proud of me? all these 'what if ...' questions keeps keeping to my mind everytime i wanted to go to sleep at night. i guessed thats the reason why i've been sleeping v.late all this while. well, i'm the only one in my family who is in the express stream and my parents are really expecting alot from me. let me explain why i'm scared of my o's next year.

english : its not really a problem for me. i've not failed english once in my whole entire life.
maths : now, here comes the major problem. maths is really not my thing. but ever since ms clara poon and ms jaime sim had taught me this year, i've really improved a lot. but there's still more to go.
c.chem : I FUCKING HATE CHEMISTRY. seriously, i dont understand a single shit about chem. when ms w start to teach, her voice puts me to sleep. if i'm not sleeping, i will talking to esty or eating in class. i dont know how to solve equations, what is convalent bond and etc.
oh god. i think chemistry is the MAJOR problem here.
c.physics : my physics is the one that brought my marks up for combine science. if not for physics, i think i will get 10/100 for chemistry.
e.geog : my favourite. i think geography is fun. you get to know more about the world. even though i hate the recap questions that mrs ng gave us everytime there's geo lessons, it has helped me a lot.
ss : i think those who took history has an advantage. but ss has not become the problem for me.
malay : still the boring old malay. from peribahasa to kefahaman. pelajar pintar eh buk? haha!
art : the most slacking subject. just follow what ms neo ask you to draw and you can easily get an A for art. but due to my laziness, i got B.
poa : how can i forget poa? i used to get 32/40 for poa but things started to get more and more difficult and now, i've been failing it.

now you know why o'level has been troubling me. i really want to make my parents proud. who doesn't? which child doesn't want to make their parents proud?


norys <3

outing with cousin was superb. first time that we went out together. it felt that we're more as a friend than cousins. we dont care what we talked about. be it about boys/boyfriends/
relationships/friendship or whatever stuffs. i am soo grateful to have norys as my cousin <3
